Human Resources » New Employee Paperwork and Policies

New Employee Paperwork and Policies

(Click here for an optional instructional video to help you complete this packet)
(Click here for an optional instructional video to help you complete this packet)
(Click here for an optional instructional video to help you complete this packet)
(Click here for an optional instructional video to help you complete this packet)
Act 126 Mandated Child Abuse Training
Click here for a link to University of Pittsburgh Mandated Child Abuse Training Course

Act 168
(Sexual Misconduct/Abuse Disclosure - No Cost)

Click below to download file. Each candidate must fill out a Sexual Misconduct/Abuse Disclosure form for both their current employer AND any former employers where the candidate had direct contact with children. Section I of the forms must be filled out with current/former employer information and turned into ARIN IU.