About Us » ARIN Facts

ARIN Facts


Leaders and Partners in Education

ARIN IU 28 provides educational support to learners of all ages in Armstrong (AR) and Indiana (IN) Counties.

Location and Address

ARIN Intermediate Unit 28
2895 West Pike
Indiana, PA 15701-9769


Phone: 724-463-5300
FAX: 724-463-5315
Website: iu28.org
Email: [email protected]

Population Served

11 School Districts and 2 Technical Schools

  • Armstrong County: Apollo-Ridge, Armstrong, Freeport Area, Leechburg Area, Lenape Technical School
  • Indiana County: Homer-Center, Indiana Area, Marion Center Area, Penns Manor Area, Purchase Line, River Valley, United, Indiana County Technology Center
  • 19,194 students
  • 1,680 teachers/professionals
  • 22 elementary schools
  • 18 middle/secondary schools
  • 2 technical schools
  • 99 school board directors
  • community agencies
  • higher education institutions

11 Nonpublic Schools

ARIN Employees

More than 140 people are employed by ARIN and all are involved in the provision and delivery of services to students and educators.


A Board of Directors, comprised of one school board member from each public school district in Armstrong and Indiana Counties, serves as a governing body for ARIN.  The ARIN Board of Directors meets at 7:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday at the ARIN Central Office.  An open conference session precedes each meeting, and the Board reorganizes in June.  An open conference session precedes each meeting.  The April meeting will be held in conjunction with the Annual Convention of School Directors.

The administrative staff of the IU is assisted in its decisions by a Superintendents' Advisory Council (SAC) made up of superintendents from each of the 11 school districts.  The superintendents meet monthly (usually the second Wednesday of the month).

Programs and Services

ARIN IU 28 offers a variety of more than 50 programs and services to students, parents, teachers, school administrators, school directors, and others in the two-county region. Educational technology, professional/staff development, curriculum services, school-age programs, preschool education, adult education, cooperative projects, and statewide initiatives are categories of services provided to:

  • Students: direct classroom instruction, itinerant services, ARIN-operated classroom/services, and enrichment programs
  • Teachers: vast array of staff development opportunities, classroom resources, and professional and technological support
  • Administrators/Directors: shared services and cooperative projects to save money, to eliminate duplication of support services, and to provide efficiency of operations.
  • Community: outreach services to adult learners, partnerships, and local management with businesses and higher education institutions and agencies.


ARIN operates on a $29.2 million budget. Funding is from various local, state and federal sources. In most cases, the budgets are built on allocations or competitive grants received from the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) and elsewhere.  ARIN's cooperative-based programs and consortia give districts and communities access to quality alternatives that might otherwise be too costly for a single district.


  • We will provide and develop an aggressive internal and external marketing program.
  • We will aggressively pursue funding from private and public sources.
  • We will develop a decision-making model that will be used to drive all programmatic, personnel and budgeting decisions.
  • We will provide technology services which support teachers.
  • We will provide a comprehensive, external evaluation of our programs and services.


  • Effective organizations establish high expectations.
  • Effective communication builds trust and teamwork.
  • Excellence in an organization is enhanced when there is respect for and understanding of the individual.
  • ARIN must provide high quality, cost effective services.
  • ARIN must be accountable and responsive to the diverse needs of its constituents.
  • Personal and professional growth is a lifelong process.
  • Advances in technology will change fundamentally the way students are educated in the 21st century.
  • The needs of all learners can be met.
  • The student's home environment and other support systems must be strengthened and preserved.
  • Partnerships enhance educational opportunities for students, parents, and communities.

Mission of ARIN IU 28

We will provide innovative educational programs, training and support services through partnerships and visionary leadership in Armstrong and Indiana Counties.

Nondiscrimination Policy

ARIN Intermediate Unit 28 is an equal opportunity educational institution and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, gender, or disability in its activities, programs, or employment practices, in accordance with federal and state statutes and regulations. For questions and information regarding activities and facilities that are accessible and usable by persons with disabilities, and information regarding civil rights and grievance procedures, contact Amanda Mosco at 724-463-5300 ext. 1259.