Curriculum Programs » Armstrong Indiana Career Pathways Partnership

Armstrong Indiana Career Pathways Partnership

2024-2025 Meeting Dates

Tuesday, August 13, 2024 @ ARIN IU28

Friday, October 18, 2024 @ TBD

Thursday, January 16, 2025 @ TBD

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 @ BC3 Armstrong

Monday, May 5, 2025 @ TBD




Purpose: We are a K-16+ partnership that helps students land in careers they were prepared for in a program they chose after they had meaningful career connected learning (CCL) experiences in K-12.

Vision: Through collaboration with community stakeholders and partners, we will create an environment where residents engage in impactful career-connected learning and experience academic learning through a real-world focus on in-demand careers and career readiness.  

Mission: To provide hope and opportunity by strengthening and expanding collaboration among school districts, career and technical centers, postsecondary institutions, employers, workforce agencies, and other community stakeholders in order to create a countywide, self-sustaining framework that builds and supports rigorous career pathways for all learners; leverages and aligns resources; coordinates and expands communication among stakeholders; and supports regional workforce needs and strengthens our economy. 

What do we offer?


  • Clearinghouse of Resources
  • Think Tank
  • Cross Sector Collaborations
  • Ecosystem for Funding
  • Communication Hub
  • Relationship Building 
  • Mutual Public Support
  • Support for Inclusivity
  • Redefine and Realign K-12 Programming
  • Crafting and Sharing Career Connected Learning (CCL) Experiences for K-12+ students
  • Systemic Examination of Course Offerings
  • Connectors of Schools, Businesses, Funding, and Resources
  • Working to Make a Difference