Board of Directors » Right-To-Know


Open Records Information under the Right-to-Know Law

Requests and access under the Right-to-Know (Open Record) Law shall be governed by the law itself (Act 3 of 2008), as well as the ARIN Intermediate Unit's Right-to-Know Policy andAdministrative Regulations.

Written Requests:

Open records requests must be made in writing. The requestor can use the ARIN Right-to-Know Request for Information Form. Please note: Phone requests will not be accepted.

Associated Fees:

Copying/duplicating fees and postage costs will be assessed on the person requesting, as allowed by Section 1307 of Act 3. ARIN shall use the fee schedule established by the Office of Open Records. The requestor shall pay all fees prior to ARIN releasing the requested records. The requestor's refusal to pay the assessed fees will result in ARIN making the records available for review only.

Open Records Officer:

To request information from ARIN, contact Open Records Officer:
Amanda Lutton
ARIN Intermediate Unit 28
2895 W Pike
Indiana, PA 15701
Click here for ARIN IU's Right-To-Know Request Form
Click here for ARIN IU's Right-To-Know Policy

Office of Open Records:

For more information or to appeal a denial, contact:
PA Office of Open Records:
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, Plaza Level
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225