Inclusive Practices/Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

Pennsylvania's commitment to Inclusive Practices/Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for each student is to ensure that Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams begin with the general education setting, with the use of Supplemental Aids and Services, before considering a more restrictive environment.  Inclusive education describes the successful education of students who have IEPs with the appropriate supports and services to participate and benefit from the general classroom setting and other natural environments.  LRE implies more than just the physical proximity between students with and without disabilities. 

ARIN's TaC team can assist school districts and their personnel with their needs to appropriately support students who receive special education services.  We offer:

  • individual and IEP team consultation
  • SaS (Supplementary Aids And Services) Toolkit
  • Educational Benefit Review (EBR)
  • modeling, guided practice and/or coaching of effective strategies to support students who receive special education services
  • instruction and interventions to meet student needs
  • Social Emotional Wellbeing
  • workshops and trainings (on-site and/or at the ARIN office) and support on the following:
    • co-teaching
    • standards aligned IEPs
    • Youth Mental Health First Aid
    • Check and Connect
    • Dynamic Learning Maps (for students taking the PASA)
    • Educational Benefit Review (EBR)
    • other related topics as requested
ARIN's Inclusive Practices/LRE Contacts:
Amanda Anderson
ext. 1106
Mariha Shields
ext. 1231
Useful Links: (Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance network) (Pennsylvania Standards Aligned System Portal) (PA Department of Education) (Parent Education and Advocacy Leadership Center)